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Create track views

While mobile users can only see their tracks, other users who are not administrators—such as supervisors and field crew chiefs—need to view the tracks of others. A track view contains the last known locations and tracks of a set of mobile users. Anyone with the privilege to view location tracks and access to a track view can view the tracks of the specified mobile users.

The view location tracks privilege is granted to administrators by default and can be added to custom roles. Administrators create track views in the Track Viewer web app, defining the mobile users whose tracks are included in it. The administrator also adds the track viewers who can see the last known locations and tracks of the included mobile users. When a track view is created, an associated group that controls access to the track view is also created. When a track view is created, an associated group that controls access to the track view is also created. Adding track viewers to the track view adds them to the group.

Create a track view

Use Track Viewer to create track views and define the mobile users whose tracks are included in it. When you create a track view, add the track viewers who you want to be able to see the last known locations and tracks of the included mobile users.

  1. In a browser, sign in to your organization and open Track Viewer.

    By default, Track Viewer is in the app launcher if it's installed and you have the view location tracks privilege. Installation is often done as part of enabling location tracking.

  2. Click Create View.
  3. Provide a name for your view and click Create View.

    The name should describe the purpose of the view since this is how users see it in their available track views.

    When you create the view, a hosted feature layer view and a group that controls access to the view are also created.

  4. On the Mobile Users tab, add mobile users whose last known locations and tracks should be seen in the track view by selecting their names and clicking Add.

    While you can add any users as mobile users, a user won't have a last known location or tracks until they are tracked with the Tracker for ArcGIS mobile app.

  5. Click the Track Viewers tab, select users, and click Add to allow those users to view the tracks of the mobile users included in the track view.

    These users are added to the group that was created for the track view, sharing the view with them. They can view the tracks of the mobile users included in the track view and access the hosted feature layer view.

    While you can add any users, only users with the view location tracks permission can use track views.

You have created a track view. You can click Open to view tracks in Track Viewer, or click Track Viewer to return to the list of track views or create another one.

Update a track view

You can update a track view to add or remove mobile users to change whether their last known locations and tracks are included in the track view. You can also add or remove track viewers to change whether they can see where the mobile users are or have been (including removing them from the group associated with the track view). To update a track view, hover over it in the list of available track views and click Configure Configure. Use the Mobile Users and Track Viewers tabs to add and remove users the same as you did when you created the track view.

Delete a track view

If there is a track view that is no longer useful, delete it. When you delete a track view, the track data is not deleted; only that particular view of the tracks is deleted. Track viewers can no longer view the tracks of the included mobile users. To delete a track view, hover over it in the list of available track views and click Delete Delete.

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