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Add people to a core team

Every new site includes a core team. A core team is a group that's automatically enabled with the update capability. This means that any member of the group (people added to the core team), can edit content belonging to the group. Core team members are also automatically added as members of a site's Content group. The content group is not enabled with the update capability, so team members can only add, edit, and remove their own content.

Who can be a core team member?

Anyone who has a Creator user type and has privileges to create, update, and delete content and groups and share groups can be added to a core team. For more information, see User types, roles, and privileges or contact your organization's portal administrator for more information.

Add a member to the team

To add someone to a team, you must have a site and be a core team or an administrator.

Remove a member from the team

To remove members of an organization from the team, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to Sites.
  2. Click Overview in your user profile drop-down menu.
  3. Click Manage on the Sites card.
  4. Click the title of the site you want to work with to open it in edit mode.
  5. In the edit navigation menu, click the second drop-down menu and choose Teams.
  6. Click the delete button next to a team member's name to remove the member.