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Configure new member defaults

Default administrators and those with the correct privileges can specify the user type and member role to assign to new members by default. Members who create their own built-in accounts and members added by an administrator or through automatic account creation will be automatically assigned the new member defaults.

  1. Verify that you are signed in as a default administrator or custom role with administrative privileges to manage security settings.
  2. At the top of the site, click Organization and click the Settings tab.
  3. Click New Member Defaults on the left side of the page. You only see this tab if you have privileges to manage the organization's security settings.
  4. For User Type and Role, click the edit button for either setting, select a user type, and then select a role. Click Save.

    The new member defaults you see depend on your assigned privileges to manage organization settings.

  5. Click Save when you are finished setting the new member defaults.

You can modify the user type and role for specific members as needed on the Members tab after they join the organization.