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Mission analyst experience

The mission analyst experience allows you to participate in active missions and collaborate with other mission members and teams in the following ways:

  • Mission owners can review the mission in Draft status prior to setting the mission to Active.
  • Mission members can collaborate with each other through chats and geomessages.
  • Mission members can gain real-time situational awareness of the current mission, including where Responder users are located.

The mission analyst experience includes panels with tools for interacting with the mission. All the panels are updated in real time, displaying new information as it becomes available during the mission. This allows you to maintain your awareness of every mission member and their activities.

The panels are as follows:

  • Title—The mission's Title banner displays the mission title and status and contains the following tools:
    • Tracks—This tool contains the mission tracks of all members and allows you to view the tracks by member or team.
    • Participants—This tool displays a list of all the teams created for the mission. Clicking a members list or a team name opens a drop-down menu, displaying the members of a mission or team.
    • Connection—This tool checks your connection to ArcGIS Mission Server.
    • Mission Info—This tool allows you to view additional information about the mission.
    • More—This tool provides access to additional tools and links such as the home screen and missions list.
  • Members and Teams—These panels contain a list of the members and teams in the mission, along with their current connection status and various tools for interacting with them.
  • Messages—This area allows mission members to collaborate with each other through chats and the GeoMessage tool. Chats are the main communication tool used in ArcGIS Mission. A geomessage combines map graphics and communication tools. See Send a message for more information.
  • My Activity and All Activity and Custom Filter—These panels display activities that occur during a mission through chats and geomessages. Tools are available for interacting with these activities, such as replying to chats or viewing attachments from geomessages. Use the filter to create a custom feed by selecting members and teams to focus on.